
Beer Glasses

SAHM’s tradition gobletWilson’s comment on the beer glass we used for the photo of our blackberry wheat beer yesterday got me thinking: is everyone else as weird about beer glasses as us?

We’ve got boxes of different glasses stacked around the house. The idea is that we’ve got the right style of glass, in the right size, for almost anything that gets chucked at us. In a lot of cases, we’ve even got glasses with the right branding.

I think, as a bare minimum, you need:

  1. Two half-pint stem glasses — for sharing 500ml bottles.
  2. A straight-sided pint glass.
  3. A “goblet” for Belgian beer.
  4. A tall wheat beer glass.
  5. A half-litre “krug” for drinking German stuff.
  6. A litre stein for drinking German stuff in the summer…

Optional extras would be a tiny US pint glass; a koelsch glass; a tall “pils” flute… I could go on.

Of course, like a lot of people, I have a favourite glass that I use more than all the others. Mine’s a nice, sturdy, straight-sided pint glass from the George Inn, Middlezoy, Somerset, which honours the Queen’s Golden Jubilee with an inscription in Comic Sans. Ha.

So, who else is fussy about their glassware? And if so, do you know where I can get a Marston’s glass…?

2 replies on “Beer Glasses”

I think there’s a point where we all get quite fussy. I’m trying to lay off. Having just moved a couple months back, it is clear that I have too many glasses, and I’ve been giving a few away. Lotsa branded US craft brewery pints, a couple of Guinness pints that I brought back from Dublin, Imperial pints, pils, a couple of DABs that I just won in a raffle, several Belgian goblets, a pair of cool Immort Ale goblets and tons of 4 oz. tasting glasses from attending festivals. I drink out of those a lot, and they make my kegs last forever. Using those, the fact is I don’t drink much at all.

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