We went to see Knocked Up last night. We liked it, tut this isn’t a film review site — you don’t care what we thought about the movie. You want to know what the beer angle is.
Well, this is surely the first and only film to signal a character’s hipness by having him chug Sierra Nevada Pale Ale throughout.
Paul Rudd‘s character, Pete, spends one scene knocking back SNPA from the bottle like that mock product placement slot for Pepsi in Wayne’s World. Later on, its possible to see where his character has been by the trail of small brown bottles with lime green labels littering the flat surfaces in his house.
Does the fact that we even noticed this mean we’ve crossed some kind of line into obsession…?
6 replies on “Starring Sierra Nevada”
If you can bear to watch Friends then check out the top of Joey and Chandler’s fridge. Always beer – sometimes microbrews. Apart from Jennifer Aniston the best reason to watch!!
No. I think it means American movies and television long ago crossed the line between entertainment and advertisement! 😉 Seriously, the product placement you see out there astonishes me. Huzzah for Eastenders and the fake beers in the Queen Vic!
I wonder if they paid for that exposure? If so … well generally when a brewer starts spending too much on advertising it isn’t a good omen.
I bet they paid. He holds the bottle label-side forward, and keeps it in shot very conspicuously. But it does also fit his character, so maybe there’s no harm done.
There’s a debate about it on Beer Advocate.
“Does the fact that we even noticed this mean we’ve crossed some kind of line into obsession…?”
Yes. The good kind of obsession.
[…] on the heels of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale’s starring role in Knocked Up, here’s Ned Beatty as Detective Stanley Bolander in Homicide: Life on the Streets […]