Beer history breweries london

Old Combe Brewery — again

Michael D dropped by and commented on this post about the Old Combe brewery on Long Acre in London. He’s provided some interesting family history and pointed out some useful links:

[My] great great grandfather Frank Wilson worked at Combe, as did his father William Wilson. On the census records they are listed as “practical brewers”.

The family lived in Long Acre and then King Street just round the corner. Very convenient.

There is a bit more on the buildings on the camden website

There is an old picture of the brewery workers in Castle St at

And an interesting story about the history of Combe’s at , including a reference to very down to earth Royal Brewhouse Dinner in 1807.

But he also has a question:

If anyone has more detail on Combe’s, would appreciate. There’s not much in The Story of Watneys.


4 replies on “Old Combe Brewery — again”

I am very interested to come upon this blog. I am interested in the Old Combe site as, at one time, there was a Joseph Delafield involved in the Combe brewery, before it was sold to Watney’s. I am trying to find out more about Joseph Delafield. I am also trying to work out where the site to the Old Combe brewery was/is. Can anyone help?

Rather late reply but I also am very interested in Joseph Delafield and the Combe Delafield Brewery. I am always happy to discuss his family.

I have no exact dates but Joseph Delafield (1749-1819) became a partner in Gyfford`s Brewery which changed its name to Combe, Delafield and Company. This info. I have from an edition of The Ancestor number XI October 1904. I can dig up a little more on the family and its involvement in the brewery if you are interested and do not already know about them. One or two Delafield wills mention the brewery business. Joseph lived in Charles Street, Long Acre.

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