The Session

Announcing Session#15 – how did it all start for you?

[Aquí la version español]


This month we have the pleasure of hosting The Session – where beer bloggers around the world blog on the same topic on the first Friday of the month.

Continuing the “Beervangelism” theme, we’d like you to write about the moment when you saw the light. At what point did you realise you were a beer lover / geek / enthusiast? What beer(s) triggered the conversion? Did someone help you along your way, or did you come to it yourself?

In short; how did you get into good beer?

If you can talk about a specific beer, so much the better — it would be good to see if there are any trends.


1. To take part, write your post on Friday 2nd May, and send us the link, either via a comment, or by email on

2. The Session began as an idea on Appellation beer. For links and a summary of all the previous sessions, follow this link.

22 replies on “Announcing Session#15 – how did it all start for you?”

[…] how did it all start for you? Continuing the “Beervangelism” theme, we’d like you to write about the moment when you saw the light. At what point did you realise you were a beer lover / geek / enthusiast? What beer(s) triggered the conversion? Did someone help you along your way, or did you come to it yourself? […]

[…] This episode of the Session will take place on May 2, 2008. Details here: Announcing Session#15 – how did it all start for you? […]

[…] and Bailey, a London-based beer blog, is the host for Beer Blogging Friday Session #15. The topic is: “the moment when you saw the light. At what point did you realize you were a beer […]

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