We found this advert for Bass in a magazine from 1955. There’s something in the argument they give for their filtered blue triangle beer as you’ll know if you’ve ever tried to take bottle-conditioned beer to a picnic…
Here’s an old post with another vintage beer advert.
4 replies on “Great stuff this Bass”
Cool poster.
Were Red and Blue Triangle exactly the same beer? Funnily enough, I have details of both from September 1956, courtesy of the Whitbread Gravity Book:
Blue Triangle FG 1012.4, OG 1051.9, 4.94% ABV
Red Triangle FG 1004.1, OG 1053.5, 6.18% ABV
They cost the same – 1/5d for half a pint.
There’s a clear advantage in going with the natural beer. If you’re a pisshead.
Great poster. Well found!
The ad is the same age as me!
Great stuff indeed. The poster is also a definite candidate for The Blog of Unnecessary Quotation Marks.
Or else bringing beer “to the party” was ’50s slang for sneaking carry-out booze into the pub.