Now that Zeitgeist is satisfying our occasional cravings for Koelsch, I find myself asking: is there honestly nowhere in London I can get a decent altbier on tap? I mean, where I can get anything other than Schloesser or Diebels from a bottle?
The landlady of Zeitgeist, who is from Cologne and therefore obliged to pretend to hate altbier, admitted that they had wanted it on tap, but had been told that no-one was importing it because it’s too like British ale.
With that similarity in mind, when I get the urge to drink alt, I’m having to chill London Pride half to death in the fridge, slop it carelessly into an altbier glass to form a huge head, and use my imagination. Not bad, but not ideal.
4 replies on “Help — altbier in London?”
We’re doing another Bier-Mania fest at Zeitgeist from the 9th to the 12th of October. There’ll be draught Altbier there.
That’s great news, Jeff. I’ll definitely be there.
[…] than measured up the real thing, which we got to know and love earlier this year, and satisfied our persistent cravings. It was on the bitter, fruity side, similar to the output of the well-respected Duesseldorf […]
Weird. TheBeerNut pointed me to this post as last night I commented that the Schlüssel Alt I was having reminded me very much of London Pride.