Our server masters have just told us that we’re being migrated to a new server, hence comments and posts disappearing into a black hole. We’re pretty sure we put something up yesterday but it’s gone.
Until this is fixed, we aren’t going to update. Hopefully it’ll be sorted in the next couple of days, but we are off to Somerset at the weekend, so may not post until next week.
4 replies on “Service update – data migration issues affecting service”
It’s funny – I saw a few posts in my RSS feed, but not on your site. The same thing happen’s to Stonch’s blog on occation.
… in the case of my blog that’s because I sometimes accidently publish something immediately, where really I want it to appear later in the week. So I delete the initial post.
PS. there’s a secret out the bag – I tend to write posts in batches and time them to publish at different times.
I’ll stick to WordPress, easier to control those things.