buying beer london

Scottish beer in London

If you’re interested in getting hold of Scottish beer in London, Royal Mile Whiskies at 3 Bloomsbury (near Holborn) looks like a good place to start.


If you’re interested in getting hold of Scottish beer in London, Royal Mile Whiskies at 3 Bloomsbury (near Holborn) looks like a good place to start.

It’s a touristy-looking off-license that we just wandered by last night on the way to the pub. We stopped dead in our tracks and stared at the window, where beers from Broughton, Cairngorm, Williams Brothers, Orkney and Brewdog were on display.

It was closed, sadly, so we didn’t get chance to go in and nose around. Who knows what other wonders might lurk within?

On a related note, any suggestions as to where we can find an 80 shiling on tap in London?

9 replies on “Scottish beer in London”

Hello, Barm! Sad to hear it’s on the outs. What are people drinking instead? Bloody Deuchar’s IPA, I bet.

My Caley 80 arrived early this morning, and I’ve just tapped it. Should be ready tomorrow (Tuesday evening). So please come and drink some!

I must say, I didn’t find it hard to find 80 in Edinburgh when I last visited – it was everywhere, even in Espionage (a nightclub)!

Jeff — will there be any left by Friday? I’m all over the country for work until then, but might be in the market for a pint at the end of the week.

Dubbel and Ashok — thanks for the tips!

Difficult to Find in Scotland? maybe, but in the majority of pubs I’ve recently visited in Edinbra( a month ago) both Cask conditioned Caley 80/ and Deuchars IPA(Superb at Bennet’s in TollCross, word) were almost everywhere along with a great range of others Scottish and English Cask Conditioned( Among the English now I can agree that TT Lanlord’s is incredible and probably my favourite by far among the Scottish independent is Harviestoun Bitter&Twisted, fantastic beer).

Asked my pals up North and they told me about that pub in London Dispatching 80/ I think is called the William Wallace, in MaryleBone. I don’t Know if this can help you or if it is updated but you can try it anyway

Haya Salud Amigos

the Fenchurch Lounge at the Mint Hotel Tower of London and the Millbank Lounge at Mint Hotel Westminster both do Caledonian 80/

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