Blogging and writing homebrewing

Pub in a shed

If you’re in the UK and into beer, have a look at this on the BBC I-player; fellow beer blogger John and his shed are featured.

This is no ordinary shed – Darlington-based John and his friends have all converted their sheds into mini-pubs serving homebrew.  BBC’s regional programme “Inside out” picked it up.

You could learn more about beer watching this than the whole series of James & Oz, and it makes home-brewing look seriously cool.

The bit you want is about 20 minutes into the show.

10 replies on “Pub in a shed”

Home brewing is good…having a big choice of ales in supermarkets is good too. But when all the ‘proper’ Pubs have closed down, and just themed pseudo gastro-pubs remain, our land will be a poorer place! I do remember the time when every pub had an off-licence counter, and were some switched-on pubs to recreate that, what a wonderful outlet it would be for all the many micro-brewers (read home brew) who deserve to have their wares sampled by a wider market! For me, never mind the brand, variety is everything!

The pub my parents ran in th 80s had an off-licence counter. I seem to remember my grandad spending a fair bit of time shut up in the little kiosk selling dusty bottles to punters in the street. Much cooler than Threshers!

Presumably these “mini-pubs” in sheds allow smoking, and therefore are far more appealing to a large number of drinkers than actual pubs.

I guess some of them might. Can’t say the idea of a smoky little shed is anymore appealing to me than a smoky pub, though…

Most of the group are non smokers, the couple who indulge go outside to do so.

Mine is the one you glimps as the curtains open, Grumpy John is sat at the bar, enjoying a (preview)pint of IPA if I remember right. Feel free to pop in.

like i said to John yesterday, what I liked was that it showed ‘Homebrewers’ in a positive light – not the cliche of overwieght, bearded men shoving tins of malt into buckets and chucking Allinson’s Bread Yeast on top. At the end of the day, we are ‘Craft Brewers’ of sorts, and it was about time we got some good press!
And yes, it was a much sounder case for Beer than the seemingly staged antics of Oz & James.

I wonder if you can get any fresher and “limited edition” than a single 5 gallon batch of homebrew consumed in the home of its creator?

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