
Our own idyllische biergarten


Today was the first day it’s seemed warm enough in London to sit outside with a beer.

So, we set up our own ‘idyllische biergarten’ (we saw that written on a road sign in Germany and liked it) and pretended we were on holiday.

We drank our own attempt at Pilsner Urquell and bottled Bernard Dark from stone krugs; ate very convincing bratwurst from our local butcher; and reminisced about our various beery holidays in the shade of a parasol. The stack of beer mats in the photo is a key part of the whole tragic fantasy.

Don’t mock. It makes us happy.

3 replies on “Our own idyllische biergarten”

PS – me and the missus were discussing framing our collection of beer mats picked up in Bamberg last year. We’re the ones who deserve mocking!

We had the same thought. The only thing that decided us against it was that we don’t want our house to end up looking like a pub or an antique shop. We might put them in albums instead.

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