bottled beer london

Decent beer at the flicks


Our nearest cinema is the Stratford Picture House, next to the 2012 Olympic site in East London. Last night, we were pleased to see that Hoegaarden was back on offer in the cinema bar, after a period of absence. We were even more excited to see that bottled London Pride had turned up in the fridge. And more excited again when we clocked (no pun intended) a shelf full of Meantime beers.

Their brand is the perfect match for the Picture House chain — classy, cool and ever so slightly pretentious. The pilsener, which hadn’t impressed us much before, triggered a vivid taste memory of a sunny afternoon in a cafe garden in Nuremberg, and is our beer of the week. The pale ale was nicer than on tap at the Britannia last week.

If we’d been so minded, we could even have taken our beers into the film with us. How’s that for civilised?

Photo from Andyrob at Flickr, under Creative Commons.

6 replies on “Decent beer at the flicks”

they were doing London Pride there about 18 months ago… only plastic glasses though. shame the recent film selection hasn’t been up to much IMO.
have been to the Curzon Soho a lot recently – ground floor Konditor and Cook cafe has tasty cakes, coffee and some good beers (forget which now), but the Curzon’s own bar downstairs disappointingly only has Leffe or Adnams Spindrift (which was horrible) other than standard lagers

I’m amazed that our cinema (which allows you to take drinks into the film) serves real ale (other drinks are available) in proper glass, especially as at the end of every film I’ve been to you always hear the sound of breaking glass.

The Meantime beers came in proper fancy-pants branded balloon glasses (although no glass is allowed into screenings, so it’s plastic cups for that).

Leffe’s a step up from Stella, which is the usual offering in cinemas. Is that because they used to sponsor Film 4?

Yes, I think they have, and maybe replaced the seats, too. Nice to be able to deliver good news…

I remember chancing on a crush bar in the West End that served Worthington White Shield once. There’s nothing better than coming across decent beer in unexpected places!

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