Blogging and writing pubs

Knut, the Gunmakers, and our latest jaunt

We spent yesterday evening at the Gunmakers (Jeff ‘Stonch’ Bell’s pub) with Knut Albert, the noted Norwegian beer blogger.

We enjoyed a couple of pints of Purity Mad Goose (a golden yellow beer in Jaipur/Hophead territory) and Caledonian Double Dark Oatmeal stout (sweetish and mild) and some top notch grub, too — Jeff’s not being big headed when he suggests the food at his place is quality stuff.

As well as putting up with a lot of inane questions about Scandinavia, Knut was also able to reassure us that Hamburg, where we’re spending Friday and Saturday night, is not a complete dump as Lonely Planet would have you believe. We’re in Brussels tonight, although getting in late, and then in Luebeck on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

We’ll let you know if we find any beer of note when we return next week.

7 replies on “Knut, the Gunmakers, and our latest jaunt”

I have some Hamburg info on my blog. See 21/03/08. Luebeck is nice, but don’t expect good beer there either.

Hamburg isn’t a complete dump, but apart from one or two bits – the areas around the Alsters – it is more or less. But in fairness, the centre was flattened during the war.

Never been to Hamburg. A colleague phoned me one night from there (she was at meetings) and when I asked her what the hotel was like she said it was fine as long as she kept the windows closed so she couldn’t hear the noises from the S&M club across the street. It was then that I knew I had to visit Hamburg 😀

Glad you enjoyed the food. Caledonian Double Dark’s a bit boring isn’t it? Still, a stout’s a stout.

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