As with koelsch, if you drink one Belgian wheat beer in the middle of a session with other beers, you’d be hard pressed to tell one from another. But, drink them together for comparison, and you can really appreciate the subtle differences.
We took Bailey’s folks to the Dove a while back and, as his Mum is a fan of wheat beers, helped her work through a few from their impressive selection.
Steenbrugge wit was like a drier, more lemony version of Hoegaarden. Next to Steenbrugge, Blanche de Bruxelles seemed to taste of honey, a flavour we’d never noticed before. Florisgaarden was the most interesting of the three, with a pleasing aroma and taste of juniper, which we really liked. Quite a surprise from the big boys. We’ll be nicking that idea for the next Belgian-style wit we brew at home.
5 replies on “Pretty wits all in a row”
Juniper? Interesting… I got some juniper berries to make sauerbraten (which was delicious I might add). Reckon they’d add a little somehting to a beer?
Regarding Koelsch, after doing that blind tasting a while back, I can definitely say you notice the difference between them if taking them together. I’m still not a fan, but am probably more forgiving of Koelsch than I was before then.
We’re certainly going to give it a go.
Got any more blind tastings planned..?
Blind tastings are great. You learn so much about beer and about your own preconceptions. I have been involved in several and have always felt I benefited from the experience.
Considering that nearly all wit beers died out by half a century ago, I suspect that there were many more spices used in the past we know or are used presently.
I’ve had good luck over the years brewing my ginger wit beer, which uses fresh ginger, cardamom and grains of paradise. I’ve heard from homebrewers around the world who’ve brewed it with happy success. The recipe is easily found on the interwebs.
Séan — Boak and I ought to do more blind tastings, given how easily swayed we are by packaging and branding (we’re mugs).
Jeff — we’ve begun to think that it almost doesn’t matter which spice you use, as long as you don’t use too much. Your recipe certainly sounds tasty.