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Winter edition of CAMRA's BEER magazine

The latest edition of CAMRA’s excellent BEER magazine is available online for members. We’ve got a little piece in it in which we go head to head with The Reluctant Scooper on the subject of smutty pumpclips.

We argue that they’re rubbish.

(There, that’ll save you wading through our whole argument.)

If you’ve read the article and want to argue or agree with us, the comments below are a good place to do it. We’re also on Twitter @boakandbailey.

18 replies on “Winter edition of CAMRA's BEER magazine”

TBN — that’s that sorted, then. Hooray for us!

Have they done sparklers? Hmm. Not sure. Probably didn’t bother reading it if they did…

I’m with you on this one…and If I hadn’t been before reading the arguments then your Colin Hunt reference would have swayed me.

“Colin Hunt’s Office Trolley” 🙂

I am with you: I find them abhorrent, but the truth is, they sell beer. I lost count of the number of pints of Bucking Fastard I had to serve at one beer festival.

Barm — one of the points we make in our 350 words is that we think they might sell the odd pint on novelty, in settings like festivals, but they don’t win long term converts.

At the beer fesitval in Falmouth at the weekend, a bloke who was sharing a table with us was drinking “Nobby’s” because it had a funny name, but wasn’t very excited by the beer when he tasted it. Then again, when you’re faced with several hundred beers, and you’re not aware of the reputations of Oakham, Thornbridge, Crouch Vale etc.., and the program just describes everything as “a bit malty and a bit hoppy”, how else *do* you choose?

Ha ha! Just picturing Tanders’s face when the issue of BEER entirely devoted to sparklers arrives, and for which he wasn’t asked for a contribution.

“Opinions are sharply divided” says Garrett, diplomatically, in the OCB.

A little bird tells me that Tandleman is being lined up to edit the Oxford Companion to Sparklers.

At this point, I feel I’m duty bound to point out that I forgot how to add a comment properly.

And that there’s a great debate to be had about a drinker’s expectation of beer based on its name.

And that I’m not bothered about sparkler or no, just as long as the pumpclip has a picture of a snake-clad lesbians wrestling in honey.

And that one of the above statements is a deliberate lie.

Unfortunate/intentional to have an ad directly next to the piece with a scantily, stocking clad Santa elfette advertising a “hilariously” titled Xmas beer?

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