“I’ve just ordered a pint of that Lagu- Laga- La-goo-NYE-tas IPA. I’ve got no idea what it is! I wanted Adnams’ Bitter, really — that’s what I normally drink — but I panicked. I mean, you don’t come to a place like this and order Adnams’, do you?”
A young man explaining his choice of beer to friends at the Pelt Trader, City of London, last Friday.
3 replies on “Overheard in a Craft Beer Bar”
Is it La-GOON-i-tas or La-goon-EE-tas? I don’t know either. I just know I like it.
I believe it’s “lah-goo-KNEE-tuss”. Good stuff.
Maybe that’s what the guy in the Underworld song was shouting… (Lagunitas IPA was first brewed in 1995, so this isn’t quite as ridiculous as it sounds.)