Blogging and writing Brew Britannia

Brew Britannia: Launch Week

Even though it escaped into the wild a few weeks ago, this is still the official launch week for Brew Britannia, so we’re spending the week in and around London making various appearances:

There have been a couple more reviews since our last round-up, too:

  • The Pub Curmudgeon — “…an excellent and enjoyable book which really is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand the development of the specialist beer market in Britain over the past forty years.”
  • Martyn ‘Zythophile’ Cornell — “Overall, Boak and Bailey have produced an excellent guide to the journey British beer has taken in the past half-century, well worth reading whether you lived through it or not, simply to understand where we are now.”
  • Kiley Bense for Saveur magazine — “… for anyone interested in beer’s modern renaissance, it’s a quirky, comprehensive read, filled both with obscure information and more essential facts…”

UPDATE 23/06/2014: While we were away, a few more reviews arrived:

  • Ron Pattinson liked it: “Well written – but I’d expect no less from them – and with loads of good stories about the individuals who drove the quest for better beer. It kept me entertained even while my arse was aching from hours of sitting.”
  • Roger Protz said: “This is an exhilarating read, well researched, in the main objective, and encompassing the views of many important players in the great beer revival of the past 40 years.”
  • Chris ‘Beer Diary’ Hall gave it the thumbs-up, saying: “It’s not just a great book, it’s an important one for the time we live in.”
  • And Alan ‘A Good Beer Blog’ McLeod declared it a “superbly researched and deftly written history”.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, Alan McLeod says:

We’ve also been enjoying a steady flow of shots of the book in various states of completion from readers around the country and, indeed, the world, via Twitter. Here’s our favourite so far, from Steve ‘Beer Justice’ Williams:

13 replies on “Brew Britannia: Launch Week”

i’m at the halfway point now, excellent so far, enjoying the bit about brendan dobbin with hilden, think i may need to try and chat to him at some point about his hand in that and in new venture cotton ball.

Who would be best to contact regarding stocking this book in a beer shop? A wholesaler for example

Sorry I missed you guys, had to coach my kids cricket team and didn’t get back til 9:30. Where did you go for the GK Mild? The Free Press?

Its okish, but the Shefford Mild next door in the Elm Tree is miles better.

Turns out, somewhat belatedly, that the last pub in Norwich with draught beer was the Wild Man on Bedford Street.

So now we know.

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