Boy, it sure is [rainy/sunny] out there! The perfect day to sit [inside/outside] with [a nice cup of tea/an umbrella-festooned cocktail] and read about beer and pubs! [Delete as appropriate.]
→ Stan ‘Hops’ Hieronymus, author of Hops, summarises the 2014 Barth-Haas Group Hop Report, and provides a hop of the hops, in relation to hops. Hops!
Simcoe production was minuscule in 2007, Citra didn’t have a name and Mosaic was still in test plots… Growers planted 1,840 acres of Simcoe this year, 1,720 of Citra and 670 of Mosaic.
→ Ron Pattinson has worked out, he thinks, ‘year zero’ for the not-all-that-ancient beer style, oatmeal stout, and is also continuing to plough through data on historic beer quality: ‘See how once again there’s no correlation between quality and clarity.’
→ An illuminating bit of ‘craft beer’-related mischief from David ‘Broadford Brewer’. (Read to the end.)
→ The actual news in one bullet point: BrewDog undergoes superficial re-brand. (BONG!) New Minister for Community Pubs. (BONG!) And Greene King form new ‘Axis of Evil’ with Goose Island.
→ Amidst the expected flood of posts about the European Beer Bloggers’ Conference there have been a couple of gems, notably this from Chris Hall in which a decent pint of Fuller’s ESB acts as a ‘hard factory reset’ for a jaded soul.
→ Nico Guba’s ongoing quest to perfect the brewing of German-style beers continues with experiments to test the benefits of decoction:
This simply cannot be replaced by other methods. More starch is available, and this leads to a higher mash efficiency (up to 10%) and a brighter, lighter in colour, and stronger beer.
→ In the post-war period, while Britain was building ‘modern pubs’, the US was getting into ‘Tiki lounges’ like the Luau in Beverly Hills. This long Collector’s Weekly interview (3000 wds) with an expert on the trend is worth a read.
→ How is it possible for a pub to be completely Victorian and completely of the 1960s? It’s that yellow sign. (There’s more about the Black Friar here.)
The Blackfriars pub on Queen Victoria Street, back in 1966.
— Rob Baker (@robnitm) July 18, 2014
Brew Britannia Business
→ Too skint or tight to buy a copy? This competition to win a copy closes tomorrow (20 July) and this one runs until Sunday 27.
→ Speaking of which, here’s Pete Brown’s review and another by Matt ‘Total Ales’ Curtis. Best review on Amazon? “Quick delivery and just as described.”
→ And if you’ve got tickets for next Saturday’s session at the Birmingham Beer Bash, then do come and say hello!
One reply on “News, Nuggets & Longreads 19/07/2014”
“Just as described” – bit double-edged! Described by whom?