A cheerful band of drinkers, together we all stand,
Maybe a bit unsteady, with tankards in the hand.
’Prentices or Craft Brothers, we have our little joke,
We are always drinking, but the Publicans go broke!
The final stanza of ‘The Ballad of Boozeldon’ which opens the 1967 home brewing manual Brewing Better Beers by Ken Shales.
2 replies on “QUOTE: Craft Brothers, 1967”
Were craft brothers a precursor to craft wankers? 😉
I love Ken Shales. The brotherhood he refers to is the autonomous band of homebrewers freed from the tyranny of the big breweries. Like Line, Ken died youngish as the lifestyle might have suggested was likely: http://beerblog.genx40.com/archive/2004/november/terryfosterbeer