We’re off on holiday so it’s going to be quiet around here for a few days.
You can expect plenty of pictures and notes on pints and pubs on our Twitter and Facebook pages so, if you’re not already, give us a follow, but you can read both without signing up for an account.
In lieu of our usual Saturday morning ‘News, Nuggets & Longreads‘, here are a couple of interesting links we’ve spotted so far this week:
- Brian Yaeger writes for All About Beer on the subject of the India Silly Ale: ‘[In]1987 at the Great American Beer Festival (GABF), there were barely more than seven style categories (one of which was “ales”). Now the competition sports 89 categories (seven or eight of which are reworkings of the IPA storyline).’
- On a related note, Phil at Oh Good Ale considers the struggle between his self-identity as a traditional-bitter drinker and the reality of his drinking habits in the brave new world of British craft beer — ‘But look at that one lonely best bitter!’
- And, from there, it’s not much of a leap to get to the subject of English IPA. First, Adrian Tierney-Jones asks whether we should agonise over preserving traditional beer style and, if so, shouldn’t 20th Century English IPA be on our watch list? Then Ron Pattinson gives us some evidence from the 1950s of what IPA meant, or didn’t mean: ‘The term IPA wasn’t used with any precision. A brewers could just as easily have called these beers Best Bitter or Special Bitter.’
You should also check out links round-ups from Stan Hieronymus (USA) and Glen Humphries (Australia), both posted on Monday.
And, finally, we’ve reached the shortlist in Saveur magazine’s annual blog awards, in the beer category — if you feel like voting for us, that’d be grand.