beer and food

Public Service Announcement: Barley Wine for Stir-Up Sunday

Every year, a week or so before Stir-Up Sunday, we start getting visits to the website from people searching for barley wine to put in their Christmas pudding.

It is a main part of Delia Smith’s recipe which, let’s face it, is therefore the official national recipe. I’d guess from this line…

If you can’t get barley wine (pubs usually have it), use extra stout instead.

…that the recipe was written in the 1970s when Gold Label was a national brand. You probably won’t find barley wine in most ‘normal’ pubs these days, though most supermarkets do carry Gold Label.

There are also plenty of other options.

Barley wine is a term used to describe strong British ales — sometime they’re dark, other times not, but they’re usually at least (these days, for tax reasons) 7.4% ABV.

Fuller’s Vintage Ale is one and this year’s version has just hit supermarkets. Most larger regional breweries (Adnams, Lees, Robinson’s, etc.) make a strong old ale which will do the job. Not many have ‘barley wine’ actually written on the label so just look for anything called ‘Old This’ or ‘Vintage That’.

Most trendy new breweries also make strong ales of one sort or another, although often very hoppy and bitter rather than sweet. If you have a specialist shop near you, and want to use a special beer for some particular reason, ask them for advice.

However, back to the puddings. With several years’ experience in making a family recipe, which just calls for ‘half a pint of strong beer’, I would make the following points:

  • You’re going to be adding spices, sherry and steaming the hell out of it for many hours so you’re not going to taste any beer at all in the final product.
  • The cheapest beer I’ve ever used was a bottle of leftover home brew, and the most expensive was some of the aforementioned Vintage ale — there was no difference in the end taste.
  • If you’re going to follow Delia’s recipe precisely you will end up with two half bottles of different beers. This might be a good opportunity to drink something nice on the side so pick beers that are good in their own right, e.g. Fuller’s Vintage and something like Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout.
  • However, if you don’t particularly like beer, just chuck in the required volume of whatever beer you have to hand — it doesn’t really matter all that much.

4 replies on “Public Service Announcement: Barley Wine for Stir-Up Sunday”

well Delia Smiths books are barred in this household so Ive never had the misfortune to try any of her recipes.

but maybe her East Anglian influences are showing through there still as like milds and olds, there are plenty of barley wines still produced in East Anglia to choose from, it would be quicker to list the ones that dont, than provide a list of those that do.

and Adnams do make a barley wine, called Tally Ho, and its even labelled as a barley wine on the bottle, so Id pick that rather than anything labelled as just Old or Strong.

though their christmas puds are made with Broadside instead, the 6.3% bottled version not the regular cask version, so take your pick

Stonojnr – I used Tally Ho last year as we had lots in.

Ron – I used to make one for the following year at the same time, which worked quite well, but have found out the hard way that they cannot survive Cornish damp.

General follow up comment – think I might go really crazy this year and substitute tea instead.

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