Blogging and writing

The Best Beer Tweets of 2017

This seems to have become an annual tradition and, like all these apparently fluffy listicle round-ups, does actually serve a purpose.

First, it reminds us of things we enjoyed but had forgotten, giving us the pleasure of being tickled by them all over again.

And, secondly, we hope, it will help you find some people worth following who might not already be on your radar.

At any rate, if there’s anything below you particularly like, do give it a retweet. If these folk are anything like us, every RT is like a little pat on the back — the smallest unit of ‘thank you’ known to man.

A Tribute to the Essential Weirdness of Pubs

A Tribute to Pass-Agg Pub Signage

Farmhouse Brewing Encapsulated in One Picture

Make Your Own Refreshing Artisan Beer

A Motto to Live By

Tipsiness in Literature

Quick — to the Craftmobile!

Gosella vs. Mechagosella

Where Did You Get That Hat, Where Did you Get That Hat?

Beer Quaffing Imps

Health & Safety

Practical Ideas for Managers

(This is a big thread.)


Sign Of The Times

Practical Engineering

Doctor Who

Pub Pullovers

A Pint of Forster’s

The Best Pub Photo of the Year

The Horror of Women in the Pub

Brewpocalypse Now

Someone at the BBC Archive is a Beer Geek

Smooth Operator

Liquid Craft

Pipe Cleaners and PVA Glue

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