Blogging and writing

QUICK ONE: New Beer Bloggers — Say Hello!

"Hello" overlaid on a pint glass of beer.

If you’ve started a beer blog in the last year or so and would like to let other beer bloggers know about it please Tweet using the hashtag .

Here — like this:

We’ve been corresponding with someone who has just started a beer blog and isn’t sure how to go about making connections with others in the same boat, and we reckon this might be one solution.

To some extent blogs stand or fall based on links in and out, comments and mutual boosting, and we hope this might help people find their Class of ’18, just as we had our Class of ’07.

This will hopefully also be useful for us in recharging our RSS feeds with active beer blogs that we might otherwise have missed, with this kind of thing in mind.

If you’re not on Twitter… Well, if you want to promote a blog, you probably should be. But if you’re not, for reasons, then if you like you can comment below with something along the lines of Katie’s blurb above and we’ll Tweet on your behalf.

Further Reading: How to Beer Blog, by us, 2015

4 replies on “QUICK ONE: New Beer Bloggers — Say Hello!”

As one of the class on ’09, I find it curious how blogging can spread. Four blogs have begun by people who got the idea from reading my blog, although one of those four is now dormant. However, none of these blogs relate to beer, or to music, the other theme of my own blog.

I don’t understand why new bloggers would want to be put in touch with other new bloggers. When I started beer blogging (class of ’10?) I sought out conversations that were already going on, linked to & commented on established beer blogs – basically I hung around with the big kids until eventually they accepted me as one of them. Perhaps the bar for acceptance is higher, or looks higher, these days. I never saw making it in blogging in terms of becoming a Published Author and Magazine Commentator, mainly because back then nobody had gone down that route (Pete and Martyn were authors first, bloggers second).

Our experience was that it was helpful to be able to form a sort of loose alliance with others who were at about the same stage in things as us. They were the first to add us to their blog rolls, link to our posts, etc. Getting the Serious Veterans to pay us any attention took much longer. (Quite understandably.)

There have been a few waves of this sort of mutual support, which can look cliquey from outside, but it’s just nice to have friendly people saying supportive things about what you’re writing while you find your feet, and encouraging you to keep going.

The bar for entry probably isn’t any higher but, contrary to the narrative of the Death of Beer Blogging, there’s a lot more noise, and it’s harder to stand out. We found pretty much all the existing beer blogs in 2007 by Googling ‘beer blog’ and then following links from people’s blog rolls; not sure that works as well in 2018.

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