Take a gulp and put the glass down.
Place it on the beer mat, right in the centre, right in the ring of dark ink.
As you talk, as you listen, turn the glass on the mat, twisting it clockwise, then back, as if tuning in the conversation on a shortwave dial.
Take a gulp and put the glass down.
Tilt it so that light plays in the depths of the beer, so the foam clings to the sides and then slides back. Swirl it so the foam grows and flows.
Take a gulp and put the glass down.
Sweep the sides of their condensation with your fingers, tracing the shape, clearing the fog to reveal the gold.
Turn the glass, lights flash, sweep again.
Take a gulp and put the glass down, almost empty, light in the hand, almost dead.
Last gulp, then, “Same again?”
Defer the pleasure. Dip a fingertip in the cream and lick it. Let the beer sit a bit, then sweep, turn, tilt…
Take a gulp.
3 replies on “Drinking, and the Spaces Between”
Pint anyone?
I’ll let the misses know that my drinking is actually practicing mindfulness