Until copies arrived by courier today, there was a lingering suspicion in our minds that Brew Britannia might be a dream, or perhaps a cruel prank.
But, no, it really exists, and we’re cooing over it like new parents. Look at the spot varnish on its wittle cover — awww! It’s a good job they sent two so we can each hold one. (And, yes, we did smell them — top marks for aroma.)
Now the hard bit: selling it
Writing it was fun; selling it does not come naturally, but it has to be done.
There’s no reason why you should help, of course, especially as you haven’t read it yet, but if you do feel inclined…
1. Though the book will no doubt mostly interest beer geeks, we also hope it will be a good read for foodies, wine lovers and ‘normals’. If you feel like sharing a link with your pals, especially those outside the beer geek bubble, then that’d be lovely.
2. If you’re intending to pick a copy up at some point, it’s really helpful if you pre-order it online. Pre-orders help to demonstrate to Amazon and Waterstones that there’s demand and increases the chances of them giving it a bit of a push at their end. It also helps it stand out here. (If you’ve already pre-ordered, thank you!)
3. If you don’t like ordering from big chains, you could ask your local independent bookshop to get one in for you instead. If enough people ask, it might convince them to get a few copies and put it on display where impulse purchasers will see it.
4. If you run a website, magazine, fanzine, podcast or video blog and would like us to write/record/draw/sculpt you a guest article/interview/mime, gratis and free of charge, get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.
Psst! Psst! Wanna signed book?
Even though the launch date is 19 June, we’ll also have a limited number of copies to sell and sign in Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield later this month.