Flower’s Keg — not the first keg beer, but the first to use the word in this way, in 1955. It then became (to their annoyance) a generic term.
Double Diamond turns this bowler-hatted City stiff into…
…a carefree Butlins-goer!
London brewery Truman’s keg bitter launched in around 1953.
The other side of that Ben Truman beer mat has some lovely 1950s hand-lettering.
This Guinness beer mat, c.1956 ,looks like an out–take from Yellow Submarine.
Most Mackeson marketing seems to have focused on the fact that, like Guinness, it was supposedly ‘good for you’. This is minimalistic and looks as if it might be from before WWII. (But probably c.1956.)
This is by far our favourite — Fuller’s jumping on the pop music bandwagon in 1956. Needs to be resurrected!
We picked up these among a bundle of 16 for £4.99 inc. delivery on Ebay.