beer reviews real ale

Wild Hop: what a corker

We’re always delighted to try new beers from Crouch Vale, the hop-happy Essex brewery. So far, they’ve never let us down. The worst we could say of any of those we’ve tried is that the beers they make with the highest alpha American hops are sometimes too grassy for our taste but, even then, they’ve always been drinkable and interesting.

We really can’t say enough good things about Wild Hop, though. After some recent pondering on the use of hedgerow hops in brewing (we’ve got a load in the freezer), the pump clip caught our eye immediately on a recent trip to Cask in Pimlico.

The pale yellow pint was served little colder than usual (fine with us) and with a thick white head. It is one of those beers which tastes like two in one. First, a rather flowery, soft, sweetish beer which is all about the hops; then, a few moments later, up pops a whole load of really satisfying, back-of-the-throat malty bite. It’s a really solid, cereal, rye-cracker flavour which, yes, makes you thirsty.

Sadly, it was one pint only — we had the last two from the cask. We will be hunting this down again next year.