Apologies to people who aren’t interested in this kind of behind-the-scenes nonsense. Normal beery service will resume tomorrow.
We updated our permanent “Hey, PR people!” page today with the intention of making it more helpful and a bit less bad-tempered. (It’s still slightly grumpy.)
We get quite a lot of emails from marketing agencies and, when we email them back to explain why we’re not acting on their press release or whatever, we often end up having some interesting conversations with intelligent, pleasant people.
That’s what makes it all the more frustrating that so many of them are wasting time and money on activities that will never lead us to write about their product. They could get our attention without spending much at all, with just a bit more thought, and a better understanding of how beer bloggers operate.
For the next bit of our PR-outreach strategy, we’re going to to try to “segment the audience”: beer blogs are not the same as, say, cake blogs; and not all beer blogs are the same. We’ve spotted the following types so far, sometimes in combination.
- Send me a bottle, I’ll review it.
- I’m a proper writer/journalist, blogging is a sideline.
- I’d like to be a writer/journalist: this is my pitch.
- I’m a brewer/salesperson/landlord and want to promote my business.
- I’m a brewer/salesperson/landlord and want to set these amateurs straight.
- I’m blogging for conversation and to express myself.
- I’ve got an obsessive-compulsive tendency and want to record every pub I visit/beer I drink.
Each of those probably requires different handling for effective engagement from PR people who want them to bite.