Do you mind if we sit here? Guys! Guys! There’s room here! What do you want to drink? Uh, there’s like, one hundred different beers. I don’t… I’m not… Do you..? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, man, that sounds good, I might have the same. Same for you too? Same all round? Cool, cool, three gin-and-tonics, cool, cool…
* * *
Is it OK if we, er… Oh, ta.
Four pound odd for two-thirds of a bloody pint? You’re having me on, aren’t you? Two thirds!
And they’ve a list in there of about fifty bloody beers – do you know how many of them are bitters? None. Not bloody one.
There’s not even a red ale – nothing but pales and IPAs.
And not much under five per cent either, mind you. Ooh, gah, taste that… No, go on, taste it!
It’s not bloody grumble mutter nice grumble slurp…
* * *
I’m a princess.
* * *
Is this OK for you, Dad? Not too cold? It’s OK, is it? If Mum goes… And I’ll sit… Are you sure it’s not too cold? Because we can swap seats if…? No? You’re sure?
Fine, OK, so, who’s having… Sorry, Dad?
Yes, that’s why I asked.
Yes, I know, that’s why I…
Right, fine, everybody up, we’re going inside. Because Dad’s cold. Dad’s cold. No, I wasn’t talking to you, I was telling Mum that you’re cold. No, she’s not cold…
* * *
Are you going to talk to me or just look at your phone? Because if you’re just going to look at your phone I’ll have to start bringing a book with me.