The White Horse on Parson’s Green, West London, has a nickname which is amusing the first time you hear it but tiresome after the 100th, so I’ll say this only once: it’s known as the Sloany Pony because, unlike most serious beer pubs, its clientele is made up largely of tall, skinny posh girls.
Several things become obvious on entering. First, the range of beer is huge and covers all the bases. Secondly, the bar staff are obviously being paid and trained properly, because they’re extremely cheerful despite item three: the place is absolutely crammed.
Standing about looking forlorn because we had nowhere to sit paid off after a few minutes, though, as a young Scottish couple moved up so we could share their table. How very civilised — that doesn’t happen often in London. And, what do you know: they’re only friends of the chaps that run Brewdog! They should be on commission, too, for their sincere salesmanship of Brewdog’s wonderful Paradox which features on the White Horses’s extensive bottled beer menu.
Notable among the many beers we tried were Schlenkerla Rauchbier on tap (almost as good as in Bamberg, but not quite); a startlingly good lambic kriek from Oud Beersel; and a 2006 Fuller’s Vintage Ale (with cheese).
We left feeling skint and rather unglamorous but will certainly be returning, even though it’s an hour and half trek from our place. Perhaps on a weekday afternoon, though, so we’ve got room to breathe?