Blogging and writing

Our Favourite Beer Tweets of 2018

We’ve done this for the past few years, partly to remind ourselves of things that tickled us, enlightened us, or made us think, but also perhaps to help you find new people to follow.

Of course Twitter makes this very difficult: advanced search tools that used to make it easy to review our own past retweets seem to be broken, or limited, and scrolling back through your own timeline is painfully slow.

Fortunately, between that and our weekly news and nuggets round-ups, we did manage to dig up the following.

1. Pub signs

Truly a work of art.

2. Pub interiors

Martin Tweets hundreds of pictures like this from his pub crawls – do give him a follow.

3. Morse – he’s a mystery to us

Pandora Tweeted a whole series of photos of John Thaw holding pints of beer and, honestly, we want someone to turn this into a calendar.

4. Acoustic money

This amused us at the time; with all the recent talk of cashless pubs, it has gained new relevance.

5. Duran Duran

Pete should be both ashamed and proud of himself.

6. Elastic capacity

Nick has a knack of cutting through to this kind of essential truth.

7. April Fool

Something something craft beer something something.

8. Pub food

Or for three Richmond sausages on Smash with Bisto.

9. Garnish

Like something from Vic & Bob’s ‘The Club’.

10. Memory failure

“It us”, as the kids were saying about four years ago.

11. Simples

Well, he’s not wrong.

12. Thinking up time

Not everybody agreed with the sentiment expressed here.

13. On the up

There’s hope for them yet.

14. Stereotypes

Ay up.

15. Am I bothered?

Sharp aftertaste, slightly sour, 2 stars.

16. The Old House at Home

This account is Evan Rail’s therapeutic side project. Give it a follow.

17. There’s a man down the pub swears he’s Elvis

Paul’s website is a fantastic resource – check it out.

18. Fierce

“….mounted her wheel…”

19. A chance of meatballs

Sign of the times.

20. And one of our own

There’s one more round-up to come this year – our ‘best of us’ post where we flag the favourite bits of our own writing. That should land… tomorrow, maybe? Or Sunday.

Blogging and writing

The Best Beer Tweets of 2017

This seems to have become an annual tradition and, like all these apparently fluffy listicle round-ups, does actually serve a purpose.

First, it reminds us of things we enjoyed but had forgotten, giving us the pleasure of being tickled by them all over again.

And, secondly, we hope, it will help you find some people worth following who might not already be on your radar.

At any rate, if there’s anything below you particularly like, do give it a retweet. If these folk are anything like us, every RT is like a little pat on the back — the smallest unit of ‘thank you’ known to man.

A Tribute to the Essential Weirdness of Pubs

A Tribute to Pass-Agg Pub Signage

Blogging and writing

Top Beer Tweets of 2016

These are the Tweets that made us laugh or think in the last 12 months.

Some are from people who write mostly about beer, others are from outside The Bubble, but they all prompted us to either click the Retweet button or include them in our weekly links round-ups.

For more of this kind of thing follow us @boakandbailey and if you see anything below that tickles you, give it a Like or an RT. If these people are anything like us, it’ll cheer them right up.

1. Craig Garvie brought us this horror which made us wonder why they don’t just roll the bottle round in some hair and toenail clippings and be done.

2. We’re surprised we haven’t seen more of this kind of thing to be honest. It’s hard to stop looking at.

3. This from Bryan Roth made us feel faintly guilty. In a good way.

marketing opinion The Session

Session 107: Am I Your Friend?

The Session this month is hosted by a brewery, Community Beer Works, on whose behalf Dan asks:

Do you want your feeds clear of businesses, or do you like when a brewery engages with people? Can you think of anyone who does it particularly well, or poorly?

Let’s break that down.

1. Do we want our feeds clear of businesses? No, we do not. Businesses make the beer, and we spend an inordinate amount of time observing businesses, interviewing people from businesses, and wondering what businesses will do next. We opt in to the Tweets and Facebook updates of plenty of breweries — amazing, really, when you think of the lengths we and others go to to avoid advertising in other contexts.

2. Do we like when a brewery engages with people? Yes, to an extent, in a way, within certain parameters. We love it when brewers answer technical questions with (apparent) honesty, or ask questions of the people who drink their beer. It’s great when they reveal a little of what makes them tick, or tell us things we wouldn’t otherwise know — a sense that we’re being rewarded for following with ‘the inside skinny’. As consumers, the more engagement we can get, the better; with our little writers’ hats on, though, a little distance is appropriate: we can’t really be pals.

3. Who’s really good at it? Richard Burhouse at Magic Rock seems to strike the right balance of openness and good taste, never seeming any less than honest. John Keeling at Fuller’s dispenses bite-sized nuggets of wisdom which, one day, will be compiled into a little book for other brewers to keep in their blazer pockets. Fergus Fitzgerald at Adnams gives a real sense of what it is like to be head brewer at an old family brewery: he answers questions freely, and comes across as warm and genuine. And this post sharing every last detail of a highly-regarded recipe from last week, sharing every last detail of a highly-regarded recipe, was great. What they all have in common, we guess, is that there’s no sense of the hard sell about them, and no feeling of being PRd at.

Blogging and writing

Top Beer Tweets Of 2015

We’ve been bookmarking and saving these beer- and pub-related Tweets all year.

Some of them we Re-Tweeted at the time; others we included in our weekly round-ups.

We hope you find something here to tickle you and maybe also a few new people to follow.